Tina Luckett: Author, Coach & Public Speaker

Fixing one friendship at a time...

Tina Luckett


Tina Luckett is a trailblazer in the realm of connectedness, renowned for her expertise as a public speaker and author dedicated to enhancing relationships. With four impactful books to her name, including her latest work, "The 7 Friendship Cycles," Tina empowers individuals to cultivate deeper and more fulfilling connections in both personal and professional spheres.

But Tina's journey isn't just about books—it's about a relentless pursuit of purpose and service. Armed with a Master’s in Leadership and shaped by her experiences in the U.S. Army, Tina exemplifies true leadership in action. She honed her leadership skills and cultivated a deep sense of duty, Tina emerged with a mission: to help others stay connected. Her military service instilled in her a profound understanding of the importance of camaraderie and support, values that she carries forward into every aspect of her life and work.

For over two decades, Tina has been a beacon of hope and guidance for those seeking to strengthen their relationships—one heartfelt connection at a time. Tina recognized the power of words to bridge gaps and build bridges between hearts and minds. Through her speaking engagements, coaching sessions, and written works, she champions the transformative power of belonging—to the workplace, to communities, and to one another.

At the core of Tina's philosophy is a profound truth: that connecting with others isn't just a luxury—it's a fundamental human need. It's a cornerstone of mental and emotional well-being, a vital ingredient in the recipe for a life well-lived. With unwavering dedication, she continues to inspire others to forge bonds that enrich their lives and elevate the world around them.

Through her tireless advocacy for connection and belonging, Tina is not only changing lives—she's shaping a brighter, more compassionate future for us all.

Author, Coach & Public Speaker

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Public Speaker

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Talks and Presentations that Connect People with One Another

Participate in discussions, panels, or interviews about books, connecting with other people, and writing processes. This could take place at literary festivals, conferences, book clubs, or educational institutions.

author panels


Lead writing workshops or classes to share knowledge and expertise with aspiring writers. Involves teaching specific writing techniques, offering feedback on participants' work, and guidance on the publishing process.

Virtual public speaking opportunities such as webinars and online book clubs. These allow me to connect with people worldwide without the need for physical travel.

virtual events

Public speaking, talks and presentations that connect people to one another. These speeches may not focus solely on books but could address broader themes related to expertise or interests.



Why I like to write...

"I write because I like to share my experiences and if I can help one person then I have served my purpose in this world."

Book Collection

Available in kindle, hardback & paperback

Coming Soon

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About the Coaching Process

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Book --> Initial Session

During the initial consultation, the coach and client get to know each other. The client discusses their expectations, preferred coaching style, and any concerns they may have.

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Coaching Sessions

The coach will spend up to 1 hour asking questions and helping the client reach their development goals.

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Goal Setting & Assessment

Discuss the process, frequency, agreements/contracts, fees and cancellation policies.

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Portfolio & Feedback

The coach will provide feedback to the client.

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Customized Development Plan

Assessments to gain further insight into the client's strengths, areas for growth to develop a personalized coaching plan tailored to their needs and development goals.

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Follow Up Support

The client can follow up with any questions or concerns.

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We value our clients and supporters.

We're happy to hear about their experience with us!

"The book is amazing and will inspire many people to grab their friendships by the balls and assess them for what they are."

Mercy M.

"This author breaks down the friendship spectrum. I’ve always been impressed with her ability to identify what type of friend you are."

Cat W.

"It’s one of the most interesting and unusual uses of an extended metaphor I’ve ever read."

McKinley T.

“I went to a talk and was impressed by her energy and authenticity. She kept us hooked from start to finish. Highly recommended for a refreshing perspective.”

Wendy K.

Doodle Think Bubbles
Book with Nature Plants

“Their blend of humor and insight kept us engaged throughout the event. Highly recommended for anyone seeking an inspiring speaker.”

Linda B.

“Attending Mrs. Luckett’s workshop was enlightening. She has a talent for simplifying complex ideas and fostering an inclusive atmosphere. Looking forward to future events!”

Patrick D.

“At Tina Luckett’s book reading, her passion for storytelling was evident. She connected with the audience effortlessly. Don't miss the chance to see her live!”

Kayla L.

“Caught Mrs. Luckett’s panel discussion and was impressed by her depth of knowledge and approachability. She addressed questions thoughtfully, creating a memorable experience for everyone present.”

Xochitl C.

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Virtual: Everywhere

In-person: Midwest USA

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